Sunday, October 02, 2011

Long time, no blog...

It is amazing how quickly time goes by.  In the last 2 months I made a change in my work as well as wrote 4 exams, none of which was fun I must add - especially since I did not plan for any changes.

The great thing is that all of this forced me to re look and rethink my life, where I am and what it is I really want to do and achieve.

I realised what a huge difference a good and real friend can make in your life.  I cannot compare my feelings and views from 2 months ago to today.  Many of us think that we only need ourselves.  I was proven wrong.  At the same time I need to say that it is sad that you truly cannot trust or believe most people.

Many things happened the last 8 weeks and people that I truly believed were different from others, turned out to be exactly the same as most others.  People preaching the big picture, suddenly turned a blind eye and only saw their picture.

Good comes from everything.  Lessons learned are invaluable.  It also resulted in me taking a step back and looking at things from a different angle.  The next step is action...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A good friend is everything. Nobody can do this thing called life without good friends.