Monday, March 28, 2011

Dual Survival

Actually I should call today's post QUATRO survival (and I still manage a little sinister laugh).

The one thing that I realise more and more is that persistency and an utmost belief in what you do and where you are going, is crucial in ensuring success.  There are too many people that work a long time for what they want and then, just before they reach their goal, they give up.  This is also true of sport people.

It is important to keep focussed and it is true that we all at some stage get distracted, at some point lose a little interest, at some point you get a little annoyed... but then it is important to go back and revisit your reasons for doing what you are doing.

Have a look at this 10 minute video by Simon Sinek. It all starts with WHY.  The what and the how will follow, but if your are true to your WHY, then the success will come. It is all about a purpose.

The fantastic thing is that for every single one of us that Why, that Purpose... is something completely different.  We might get the same outcomes, but we all do it for different reasons.  That reason is the fuel that drives our actions.

I am still a long way off from actioning my plans, but they are starting to take shape quickly.

Whatever it is you want to achieve, you can - beacuse if it is meant to be, it is up to me.

Thanks again for reading my blog!  Any comments are welcomed.


1 comment:

Adele said...

Wow! Dankie vir diè goeie video. Dit sit baie dinge waaroor mens dink in perspektief.